"The horse, with beauty unsurpassed, strength immeasurable, and grace unlike any other, still remains humble enough to carry a man upon his back."
- Amber Senti“
Eindhoven, thank you for your courage and strength!
一年多來,在教練與獸醫的悉心照顧與陪伴下,Eindhoven的光芒再現,賽場上英挺的跨越障礙、飛奔的速度,讓觀眾驚呼讚嘆;馬廄裡調皮地玩弄一旁掛著的牽繩,讓教練好氣又好笑;放牧時開心滿地滾,再來個全場盡興奔跑;療癒系地安靜吃著草,又或是聞到馬餅乾香味時,伸長脖子等待餵食; 賽場馬廄內探頭與好朋友打招呼;亦或是與Lola姊姊的對視...,Eindhoven的各個面向、各種特質,都令人深深著迷!
謝謝你,Eindhoven! 謝謝你的堅強與堅持,謝謝你的勇敢與配合,才讓我們有你的陪伴。你的動、你的靜、你的笑、你的萌,每一個動作都撫慰療癒著我們。從你身上,我們看到生命的力量,感受到純真的美好~
Life is a journey to be experienced.
—Winnie The Pooh
As a horse born in Europe, TaLador, I came to Taiwan. To me, life is a journey meant to be experienced fully, and I believe it's destiny's arrangement. Destiny's hand connects souls, bridging the gaps of time and space, bringing me together with those destined to touch my heart and shape our shared journey through this world.
With joy and anticipation, I will embrace my new life at DaRi Equestrian, and together with my new family of coaches, embark on a delightful new life experience~~
Kleine Ballerina
我們的新成員Kleine Ballerina
Little Ballerina, dance for me,
A delightful scene for anyone to see.
On your tiptoes ever so light,
You dance with magic through the night.
Across the floor you flow with ease,
Little Ballerina, dance for me, please.
I watch you glide with splendor and grace,
As a smile of innocence beams on your face.
Prancing about with magic in your feet,
A wonder to see like an angel so sweet.
— Wanda Christian Stirewalt
🏆Arizona 榮譽榜🏆
1. 80公分障礙超越 冠軍
2. 100公分障礙超越 第八名
1. 馬場馬術B2 第一名
Arizona戰績持續累積中, 讓我們拭目以待
A horse gallops with his lungs, perseveres with his heart and wins with his character.—Federico Tesio

寶寶 Bǎobǎo
哈囉,大家好! 我是五歲大的寶寶。雖然大家都叫我寶寶,我已經是一匹小馬的媽媽。
Hello everyone! My name is Bǎobǎo, Baby in Chinese, and I am five years old. Although everyone calls me Bǎobǎo, I am already a mother. I am often praised because I am very stable and well-behaved, and everybody likes me. I am also very active and brave. Jumping has always been my favorite exercise as I enjoy running and soaring through the air over high obstacles, loving the thrill and accomplishment of the furious gallop and forceful leap. I have participated in many competitions and appreciate the unified teamwork that my rider and I have. This year we won first place in the 80cm Level Jumping Event at the 2021 Taichung City Mayor Cup Equestrian Competition. Our success was the result of hard work, and I truly cherish the experience and the first place honor. I hope my skills continue to improve and I will have more success running fast and jumping high.
香奈兒 Chanel
Hi! I am Chanel, and I am eight years old. Everyone's first impressions of me are that I am graceful and stable, just like my name. I was once a member of the New Taipei City Mounted Police Squad, patrolling important locations. Because the Mounted Squad especially liked my stable temperament, they used me often in the line of duty. I always enjoyed my assignments, and I especially liked the opportunity to stroll around and meet friendly people. Here at the DaRi Equestrian Center, I work with beginning riders because I know they may be nervous. I treat them gently and make them feel safe so they can enjoy the relaxation of horse riding. Eventually they fall in love with horses and riding. In addition, I often model with beautiful ladies and handsome gentlemen for photoshoots. Sometimes I even encounter a striking sports car. Here I am meeting a Porsche! Don't you think this is a charming photo?