參加馬術營時,學員不只是學習如何騎馬、做花哨的技術或騎馬跳躍。 透過馬術,學員能學習寶貴的做人處事態度。
與馬相處 - 它能教學員如何傾聽非語言的示意,並培養對動物的尊重和同理心。
照顧馬匹 - 它能教學員勞苦工作的重要性,並了解他們是不能怕弄髒手去抄捷徑的。
騎乘馬匹 - 騎馬需要很大的耐心。 學員騎馬時會了解到他們必須對自己和馬匹有耐心,同時也了解到要把事情做好是需要時間和努力的。
戶外騎行 - 它教導學員保持冷靜、專注現況及關注周圍環境及細節。
2022大日馬術冬令營中,我們專業馬術知識課程,並讓孩子實際體驗照顧馬兒,操作幫馬兒穿上裝備,並爲馬兒做造型與馬兒互動培養感情,在與馬兒的默契培養中,循序漸進地學習正統馬術騎乘技巧。此外,並讓學員進行製作馬兒餅乾與了解馬蹄文化與彩繪馬蹄鐵的藝術文化相關活動。大日馬術冬令營的課程安排,希望孩子在營隊中能夠得到知識的增長,愛與同理的心靈成長,身體的鍛鍊,藝術的陶冶,我們衷心期盼孩子的童年能擁有這麼一段滿滿喜悅,充實美好的回憶!您的孩子值得這麼優質多元的營隊! 歡迎您的孩子加入我們!
When campers go to equestrian camps, they won’t just learn how to ride a horse and do fancy drills or jumps. Horsemanship teaches valuable life lessons.
Working with horses - It teaches them how to listen to non-verbal expressions, learn to respect animals, and develop empathy skills toward animals.
Taking care of horses - It teaches them the value of hard work, and how there are no shortcuts to avoid getting their hands dirty.
Horse riding - Riding a horse takes a lot of patience. It teaches them to be patient both with themselves and with their horses, and in turn, they learn that it takes time and effort to do things right.
Trail riding - It teaches them to be calm and present and to pay attention to their surroundings and details.
2022 DaRi Equestrian Winter Camp teaches our campers professional equitation instruction in both Mandarin and English. Our campers will participate in workshops, getting hands-on experience of grooming, tacking, dressing up our horses, and learning how to interact and communicate with them. Apart from equitation classes, we also design art and cultural related activities for our campers, such as painting the horseshoes and baking cookies for horses. With our specially crafted program, our campers not only learn about horsemanship but also cultivate compassion for themselves and others, exercise, and appreciate arts and crafts. Join us and let’s make a wonderful winter 2022 memory together!
活動地址: 大日馬術文創園區
Location: DaRi Equestrian
A - 3 日營隊 3-DAY SESSION
2021/12/21 ~ 2021/12/23
B - 3 日營隊 3-DAY SESSION
2021/12/28 ~ 2021/12/30
C - 5 日營隊 5-DAY SESSION
2022/01/24 ~ 2022/01/28
D - 4 日營隊 4-DAY SESSION
2022/02/07 ~ 2022/02/10

活動費用 Camp Rates
D - 4 日營隊 4-DAY SESSION NT$17,800*
* 每人之費用
* 費用含午餐、點心、保險,與課程材料費用
* Price per person
* Our camp fee includes lunch, snacks, insurance, and activities.
1. 兩人同行價:每位再折NT$1,000,並加贈免費一對一馬術教學20分鐘課程
2. 歡迎使用五倍卷及動滋卷
1. Group discount: Each camper receives NT$1,000 off plus one 20-minute one-on-one riding lesson.
2. Quintuple Stimulus Sports Vouchers welcome
接駁車費 Transportation Fees
D - 4 日營隊 4-DAY SESSION $1,500*
單趟 Single Ride $200*
* 費用恕不適用折扣
* 以竹北區域為限,其他區域專案另外計價,請與我們聯繫。
* Not eligible for discount
* Valid for Zhubei Area only. Contact us for different cities.

1. 竹北區域 - 三人同行免費接駁
2. 新竹區域 - 四人同行免費接駁
1. Zhubei Area: 3-person carpool
2. Hsinchu Area: 4-person carpool

匯款繳費 Wire Transfer Instruction
匯款帳戶 : 台灣銀行(004)
匯款號碼 : 068001113989
帳戶名稱 : 大日馬業巫宗霖
After submitting your online enrollment form, please transfer your fees to DaRi Equestrian Account:
Bank : Bank of Taiwan(004)
Account Number : 068001113989
Account Name: 大日馬業巫宗霖
After the fees are transferred, please send us the last five digits of your bank account number vis our website, Facebook, or LINE private message.

D - 4 日營隊 4-day camp

Change, Withdrawal, and Cancellation Policies
預定日期31日前:將退回已付金額的 90% 等值課程商品
預定日期21-30日前:將退回已付金額的 80% 等值課程商品
預定日期2-20日前:將退回已付金額的 70% 等值課程商品
預定日期1日前:將退回已付金額的 50%等值課程商品
預定日期當日:將退回已付金額的 10%等值課程商品
* 大日所有課程商品並無使用期限,也無限制使用者身分
* 不足一堂課,我們將無條件補足您一堂課程的時間
Refunds will be issued in the form of riding lesson of equal value.
Change personal information:
Change is allowed ONCE free of charge 10 days prior to the session start date.
Change requests received five days prior to the session start date will be accommodated for a NT$500 processing fee every time.
Changing Sessions:
Change is allowed ONCE 7 days prior to the session start date, subject to availability.
If the price of the desired session is higher, the change will only be accommodated after all fees are paid.
If the price of the desired session is lower, campers will receive riding lessons of equal value for excess payments. The lessons will be expire in six months.
Cancellation and Withdrawal:
Cancelling 31 days prior to the session start date: Receiving 90% of camp fee value.
Cancelling 21-30 days prior to the session start date: Receiving 80% of camp fee value.
Cancelling 2-20 days prior to the session start date: Receiving 70% of camp fee value.
Cancelling 1 day prior to the session start date: Receiving 50% of camp fee value.
No shows: Receiving 10% of camp fee value.
Withdrawing during the sessions due to personal reasons - Receiving 0% of camp fee value.
If our camp does not operate due to natural disasters or when Hsinchu County Government announces school and office closures, we will contact you for rescheduling or refund.
* DaRi Equestrian lessons have no expiration date and may be transferred to someone else.
* A full-length lesson will be offered if the refund value is less than one session.
活動須知 Camp Information
Session minimum enrollment: 4
Ages: 4 to 15
Tack: You can bring your own tack or use ours equipments.
Pants and shoes: long pants (breeches or sweatpants preferable) and athletic shoes or English riding apparel
Special or dietary needs: You must specify the needs in the enrollment form. Our camp had secured blanket insurance.
Certain medical conditions: You must inform us your certain medical conditions and follow our camp safety guidelines.
Things to bring: Lots of water or sports drinks, reusable meal prep containers, utensils and cup, NHI card, prescription or non-prescription medicines, and warm clothing
Camp lunch and snacks: Our nutritious lunch and snacks are catered by the restaurant, which meet food safety regulations.
Pick-up and drop-off: Please be on time according to the session schedules. Contact us if you need shuttle service.