As parents, you must carefully think about how to arrange some meaningful and interesting activities different from the ordinary camps for your kids during the winter vacation. Why not try DaRi Equestrian Winter Camp?
In our curriculum schedule, we include the skills of horse-riding from basic to advance. We hope to cultivate your children's riding ability step by step. Besides, we also provide professional knowledge about horses and horse-riding for your children. By interacting with horses, we believe that your children will have a deeper understanding of lives, as well as respect and cherish them.
In addition, we also have some art activities for your children, including decorating the horseshoes and baking cookies for horses. We do hope to provide your children with a diversified and a totally different summer camp. Welcome to join us!
日期/梯次 Dates

梯次A 2022 / 12 / 27 (二) ~ 2022 / 12 / 29 (四)
梯次B 2023 / 01 / 03 (二) ~ 2023 / 01 / 05 (四)
梯次C 2023 / 01 / 10 (二) ~ 2023 / 01 / 12 (四)
梯次D 2023 / 01 / 17 (二) ~ 2023 / 01 / 19 (四)
梯次E 2023 / 01 / 31 (二) ~ 2023 / 02 / 02 (四)
梯次F 2023 / 02 / 07 (二) ~ 2023 / 02 / 09 (四)
活動費用 Camp Rates
1. 早鳥優惠:凡於2022/11/30以前報名並完成匯款者,享有1000元之現金折扣,再贈20 分鐘教練課程一堂(課程價值1200元),合計優惠2200元
2. 兩人同行:每梯次每位贈送40分鐘馬術教練課一堂(課程價值2000元)
1. Early Bird Discount: NT$1,000 off plus one 20-minute one-on-one riding lesson
(total discounted value NT$2,200)
2. Group discount: Each camper receives one 40-minute one-on-one riding lesson
(total discounted value NT$2,000)
Each camper can only receive ONE free one-on-one riding lesson
接駁車費 Transportation Fees
* 費用恕不適用折扣
* 以竹北區域為限,其他區域專案另外計價,請與我們聯繫。
* Not eligible for discount
* Valid for Zhubei Area only. Contact us for different cities.
報名 Enrollment
匯款繳費 Wire Transfer Instruction
匯款帳戶 : 台灣銀行(004)
匯款號碼 : 068001113989
帳戶名稱 : 大日馬業巫宗霖
After submitting your online enrollment form, please transfer your fees to DaRi Equestrian Account:
Bank : Bank of Taiwan(004)
Account Number : 068001113989
Account Name: 大日馬業巫宗霖

課程表 Schedules
活動須知 Camp Information
開班人數:四人 。每班上限12人。
Session minimum enrollment: 4 (maximum 12)
Ages: 4 to 18
Tack: You can bring your own tack or use ours equipments.
Pants and shoes: long pants (breeches or sweatpants preferable) and athletic shoes or English riding apparel
Special or dietary needs: You must specify the needs in the enrollment form. Our camp had secured blanket insurance.
Certain medical conditions: You must inform us your certain medical conditions and follow our camp safety guidelines.
Things to bring: Reusable meal prep containers, utensils and water bottle, NHI card, prescription or non-prescription medicines, a change of clothes, and a small blanket.
Camp lunch and snacks: Our nutritious lunch and snacks are catered by the restaurant, which meet food safety regulations.
Pick-up and drop-off: Please be on time according to the session schedules. Contact us if you need shuttle service.
變更、中止與取消政策 Change, Withdrawal, and Cancellation Policies
預定日期31日前:將退回已付金額的 90% 等值課程商品
預定日期21-30日前:將退回已付金額的 80% 等值課程商品
預定日期2-20日前:將退回已付金額的 70% 等值課程商品
預定日期1日前:將退回已付金額的 50%等值課程商品
未為通知或未到達活動集合地點:將退回已付金額的 10%等值課程商品
The registration will be closed once the spots of a camp are filled. Please secure your child's spot by registering and pay the fees early.
Change personal information:
Change is allowed ONCE free of charge 10 days prior to the session start date.
Change requests received five days prior to the session start date will be accommodated for a NT$500 processing fee every time.
Changing Sessions:
Change is allowed ONCE 7 days prior to the session start date, subject to availability.
If the price of the desired session is higher, the change will only be accommodated after all fees are paid.
If the price of the desired session is lower, campers will receive riding lessons of equal value for excess payments. The lessons will be expire in six months.
Cancellation and Withdrawal:
Cancelling 31 days prior to the session start date: Receiving 90% of camp fee value.
Cancelling 21-30 days prior to the session start date: Receiving 80% of camp fee value.
Cancelling 2-20 days prior to the session start date: Receiving 70% of camp fee value.
Cancelling 1 day prior to the session start date: Receiving 50% of camp fee value.
No shows: Receiving 10% of camp fee value.
Withdrawing during the sessions due to personal reasons - Receiving 0% of camp fee value.
If our camp does not operate due to natural disasters or when Hsinchu County Government announces school and office closures, we will contact you for rescheduling or refund.